COVID-19 has impacted our lives and altered the way we live — The EAPFP are committed to supporting our members during this time. Click here for more information.
At the AGM on the 18-19th November 2021, Niall Rowan was formally appointed as President of the EAPFP after acting as stand-in president for a brief period. Niall started working in fire in 1979 [...]
Since the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, the world remains a rapidly changing and uncertain landscape. Coronavirus (COVID-19) has impacted every avenue of our lives and altered the way we live. [...]
NEN, SFPE and BBN(*) are organizing a webinar about fire safety of facades which is due to take place on the 6th October 2020 starting at 15:00 (CEST). The latest scientific insights are shared [...]
It is with great sadness that the EAPFP announces that passive fire protection industry stalwart David Sugden passed away on 27 July, following a short battle with pancreatic cancer. David served [...]
The European Association of Passive Fire Protection (EAPFP) has endorsed the aims of the European Fire Safety Alliance (EuroFSA) following a successful meeting on 27 February to discuss [...]
With growing recognition of the challenges facing the fire sector across Europe, the European Association for Passive Fire Protection (EAPFP) brought together a number of European and global fire [...]